Collaborative URBanISM
Today, we are living in the ‘urban age’. It is also a reality that we are firmly rooted in an age of inequity: our cities are more gentrified than ever before in history. An over reliance on speculative urban development models has caused perverse social, cultural, economic and environmental outcomes for our cities. The weight and speed of investment capital fueling our rapacious urban growth is creating tremendous ‘metropolitan pressure.’ It is this pressure that continues to displace significant segments of our society from their city of choice: artists, local businesses, key workers, pensioners, young families and minorities to name but a few. In their place, we are observing ever expanding ‘ghettos of the rich’ and commodified urban landscapes across our global cities. The predominance of market-led ‘highest and best use’ urban renewal is also creating a sense of ‘urban sameness’ where cities are beginning to lose their unique character and brand, in turn impacting their ability to attract and retain the very people that make these cities great. As an antidote to these challenges, Urban Apostles has been pioneering a new model for equitable city making called Collaborative Urbanism.
Collaborative Urbanism is defining new pathways for city-making predicated on social resilience, economic justice, and ecological stewardship. By working at the intersection of the sharing economy and the art of city making, Collaborative Urbanism offers the potential to transform how we live, learn, play and work more sustainability and affordably in our cities. Our suite of services below are a reflection of this pioneering approach to creative, equitable and sustainable city making.